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New moon

28. 1. 2010
You can take me everything -

photos and CD with my song.

But you can't take my memory.

I ever remember of my love.

I can't live without you.


I hear your voice when I am crazy.

When I do dangerous things.

You can say, that I am not death.

But it isn't life.

It is hell.


I don't know what is "happy".

When you don't stay next me.

I feel only a pain.



When James wanted to kill me.

You fought very hard.

Why do you leave me now?

I need you for my life!


My body goes in the town.

But my soul isn't there.

It is with you -

far away.


My heart is yours, too, forever.

I have only dreams about you, yet.

You leave me again every night.

Why we can't be together?

I ask...



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